Academic Advising
Navigating academic requirements and policies, choosing a major, and making a career choice can be an overwhelming process but we are here to guide you every step of the way. We help you to take ownership of your college experience by ensuring that you can discover and define an academic plan and reach your career goals.
As a new student, you will be assigned an academic advisor. Most of our academic advisors are faculty members! Academic advisors help you navigate the academic and registration process. Advisors can also assist with understanding academic policies, exploring your goals and interests, choosing a major, general career advising, class registration and registration form completion.
Your assigned academic advisor is determined by your major.
For more questions, feel free to reach out to:
Student Success Center (second floor of Hibbard Campus Center) for undeclared advising.
All other students can direct their questions to Advising ( and the inquiry will be distributed to the appropriate faculty academic advisor.
Registration for Fall 2025:
- April 11, 2025 - Veterans
- April 14, 2025 - Seniors (90+ credits earned), Honors Program Students, KCVC Students and Graduate Students
- April 15, 2025 - Juniors (60+ credits earned)
- April 16, 2025 - Sophomores (30+ credits earned)
- April 17, 2025 - Freshmen (0 - 29 credits earned)
- April 30, 2025 - Visiting/Non-matriculating students
- Credits earned do not count the credits for which a student is currently registered.
- Advising for Fall 2025 begins April 7. Contact your advisor to plan your schedule.
Frequent Questions:
How do I know who my advisor is?
Log in to MyKC, and go to the Student tab. On the left-hand side, at the bottom, select Advising. In the advising area, you will see your Advisor/Major Information. Also, your primary advisor’s name appears at the top of your schedule.
How do I contact my advisor?
If you know the name of your advisor, but do not have their contact information or know the location of their office, you can use the People Search Directory on the College website to find this information.
- Undeclared: Student Success Center ‐ Student Success Center –
- KCVC: John Gorel:
- All Other Majors – Contact Advising
When should I contact my advisor?
The short answer is anytime you are struggling academically or personally, have questions, or are not sure who to turn to for assistance. In addition, you should contact your academic advisor at least a few weeks before every registration period. For example, you should plan to meet with your academic advisor in October or November to discuss which courses you will take during the following winter intersession or spring semester and in March or April to discuss what to take for the following summer session(s) or fall semester.
What if I can’t reach my advisor?
Advisors may take a few days to respond to your voicemail or email message especially during peak times, such as during the registration period. Advisors may also have their office hours posted on their doors; stopping by during those times is also an option. If you still cannot reach your advisor after 2-3 days, you can seek advice through your Department Chair.
What is considered full-time or a full load?
In order to be considered a full-time student, you must take at least 12 credits per semester. If at any point during the semester you fall below 12 credits, your status will be adjusted and your financial aid or ability to live on-campus may be impacted. If you are considering taking less than 12 credits, please discuss with your advisor and Student Central to see how this may affect your aid.
How do I change my major?
The process of changing a major or minor is simple and involves filling out a Change of Major form and having your advisor sign it. While the process is quick and easy, it is important that you speak to your advisor and discuss the matter in detail. Change of Major forms can also be found in the Registrar’s office or in the Library, Learning & Career Center
What courses can I take?
You can find the curriculum sheets for your major by clicking here. Typically students follow the catalog of the year they enter, so it would be the same for the curriculum sheets. If you don’t see a link to your curriculum sheets or have any questions related to this please consult with an academic advisor.
What are Gen-Eds?
“Gen-Ed” refers to the College’s General Education Requirements. Students need to take classes that fall into specific literacy categories and students have options as to what specific courses they take to fulfill these requirements. A complete listing of “gen-ed” courses can be found online. Your advisor will likely discuss these requirements when you meet with them to register for courses.
Who is the chair of my department?
We have two schools at Keystone College. Each department within the school is lead by a chair. Your chair would depend on your major.
Turock School of Arts and Sciences
- Communication, Art, and Humanities – Chair: Rachel Urbanowicz
- Biological and Physical Science and Mathematics – Chair: Dr. Jessica Faux
- Social and Behavioral Sciences – Chair: Dr. William Chase
School of Professional Studies
- Business, Management, and Technology – Chair: Dr. Patricia Davis
- Education – Chair: Jeanie Prall
How do I add or drop courses?
To make a schedule change you need to fill out one of our schedule change forms and have your advisor sign it. However, there are many factors to consider when adding or dropping a course; including falling below full-time status (12 credits) and courses can only be added at certain times once the semester begins. It is important to speak with an advisor so they can review applicable policies and work with you to consider all options to enable you to make an informed decision before making schedule changes.
View MyKC for curriculum maps, recommended sequence of courses, and general education requirements.
College Catalog

Act 101 Program
Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), Act 101 serves as individualized advising for each student, with a focus on academic success.