Allied Health Degrees
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Kestone College offers a number of pre-professional tracts in the allied health disciplines including; nursing, occupational therapy , radiologic technology and diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy , respiratory careb , cardiac perfusion , medical technology, and cytotechnology. These programs provide the first two years of study required for the respective disciplines. After successful completion of all required coursework and EXPL hours of study at Keystone College, the student will have the opportunity to transfer credits to articulating schools as listed for completion of studies within the discipline. The completion phase is usually an additional two years of study at the affiliate university. Students in good academic standing will have all credits taken at Keystone College transfer into their respective affiliate programs.
Dr. Nicole Diette
Program Director
The nursing curriculum prepares students to work with physicians and other health care professionals wherever health care is provided. The cytotechnology curriculum prepares students as clinical investigators specializing in identification of cellular abnormalities, and aids in the diagnosis of benign and malignant conditions. The nursing/cytotechnology emphasis prepares students for entry into baccalaureate programs in nursing or cytotechnology.
Pre-Medical Technology/Biotechnology
Medical technologists are clinical laboratory scientists, who perform and use sophisticated laboratory techniques to aid the physician in uncovering diseases and monitoring medical conditions.
The pre-medical technology/biotechnology emphasis at Keystone College prepares students for entrance into the SUNY Upstate Medical University 2+2 program in medical technology.
Pre-Radiotherapy/Medical Imaging/Ultrasound
Radiotherapists assist physicians in treating patients with malignancies. Radiotherapists use targeted radiation to shrink or destroy malignancies. Medical imaging technologists assist in diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions using x-ray imaging, CT scanning, medical ultrasound, MRI and nuclear medicine. Cardiac perfusion technologists are operating room specialists who conduct cardiopulmonary bypass during open heart surgery. This track prepares students for entry into the 2+2 affiliate programs at Thomas Jefferson University and SUNY Upstate Medical College.
- Thomas Jefferson University
- SUNY Upstate Medical University
-A.S. Pre-Radiotherapy/Medical Imaging/Ultrasound – Two-Year Curriculum Guide
Pre-Occupational Therapy/Respiratory Care
Occupational therapists use goal-directed activities to promote functional performance in individuals affected by physical injury, birth defects, aging, or emotional or developmental problems. Respiratory therapists perform studies of pulmonary function in patients, aid in pulmonary treatment and exercise, and assist the physician in treating patients with pulmonary disease. This emphasis prepares students for entry into articulating schools, Thomas Jefferson University and SUNY Upstate Medical University respectively. These are both 2+2 BS programs.
- Thomas Jefferson University (Pre-Occupational Therapy)
- SUNY Upstate Medical University (Respiratory Care)
-A.S. Pre-Occupational Therapy/Respiratory Care – Two-Year Curriculum Guide
Program Goals
- Demonstrate competency in specific content knowledge.
- Apply the scientific method to address specific scientific problems.
- Demonstrate competency in laboratory skills, laboratory safety, and laboratory technology.
- Demonstrate competency in academic technology, including but not limited to writing technology, analysis technology, presentation technology, and bioinformatics technology.
- Evaluate and articulate the outcome of research and laboratory experiments.
- Apply mathematical formulas to analyze quantitative and/or qualitative scientific data.
- Design and implement an original research study; collect and analyze data; and draw conclusions based on data collected.
Our Successful Graduates
Graduates of Allied Health programs at Keystone College have been accepted into bachelor degree programs at Florida Gulf Coast University, Keiser University, Marywood University, Milikan University, Misericordia University, Penn State University, Robert Marris University, SUNY Upstate Medical, Thomas Jefferson University, the University of Scranton, and William Patterson.