Application Process for Study Abroad
Semester or Summer Programs
- Deadlines for study abroad in the fall semester is March 1
- Deadline for study abroad in the spring or summer semester is October 1
Study Abroad Procedures
- Meet with the study abroad coordinator to discuss programs, deadlines, and scholarships.
- Download the application and procedures and submit to the study abroad coordinator by March 1 for fall, or October 1 for spring and summer.
- Once a student has been approved, the student will be registered in ABD 101 for the requested semester.
- It is strongly suggested that students sign a FERPA waiver so that all information can be discussed with parents, thereby allowing complete and accurate dissemination of information to the parents.
- Students will work closely with the Study Abroad Coordinator throughout the entire process, to obtain any assistance necessary with the process or the selected program.
- Once approved, students will participate in a pre-departure policy review session to be scheduled by the Study Abroad Coordinator.
- Upon returning to campus, students will be required to prepare at least two presentations for the campus community to be coordinated with the Study Abroad Coordinator
Contact Us
- Study Abroad Coordinator
- 570-945-8252
- Location: Sickler Hall
Faculty-led Short-Term Programs
- Meet with the faculty member leading the trip abroad for trip details and cost.
- Download the application or obtain a paper application from the faculty member or the study abroad coordinator.
- Complete the application including the required signatures.
- Return the application and deposit (if required) to the study abroad coordinator.
Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program - Withdrawal Policy
If a student chooses to withdraw from a Keystone College faculty-led program, he or she must inform the faculty leader and Study Abroad Coordinator in writing immediately.
In such an event, the following policies apply:
- If an accepted student chooses to withdraw prior to a program’s commencement:
He or she will be responsible for paying any unrecoverable program costs that the College or the program has incurred on his or her behalf. Such costs may include, but are not limited to: pre-paid meals, pre-paid room or housing reservation deposits, airline deposits or airline tickets, bus rental fees, and payments for guides. Thus, even if the student has not yet paid the full program balance and does not attend the program, he or she may be responsible for paying these unrecoverable program costs. Therefore, it is in the student’s best interest to notify the faculty leader and Study Abroad Coordinator immediately upon making a decision to withdraw in order to minimize unrecoverable expenses made on the student’s behalf. - If a student chooses to withdraw after a program’s commencement for any reason, including academic or conduct: No refunds will be given. In addition, any student who withdraws before completion of the program may not be eligible to receive academic credit from the program.
- If a student is required to return to the U.S. after a program’s commencement due to serious illness, death, or death within the immediate family: The College will make every effort to refund recoverable costs to the student.
- If a student chooses not to participate in a program activity (such as a field trip, excursion, cultural event, included meals, etc.): No portion of the program cost will be refunded.
- If a student is dismissed from a program due to behavioral, academic, legal, or other related issues: No refunds will be given. Students will also be responsible for additional costs associated with sending them home (flight, transportation, etc.).
Note: Students receiving financial aid should consult with the Financial Aid Office for information about how withdrawing from a program would affect their federal, state, or institutional aid.
Faculty-Led Program Cancellation Policy
Because student safety is of critical importance, Keystone College reserves the right to cancel any College sponsored program in a location that is considered unsafe by the College or for which the U.S. Department of State has issued a Travel Warning. The Study Abroad Coordinator regularly reviews information provided by the U.S. Department of State and monitors other sources, such as announcements from the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), for information about the countries where Keystone students are or will be studying.
In such an event, the following policies apply:
- If Keystone cancels a program for safety reasons prior to departure or after commencement of the program: The College will make every effort to refund recoverable program costs to the participants. Unrecoverable program expenses (e.g., airline deposits, excursion expenses, housing fees or reservation deposits) cannot be refunded.
- If Keystone cancels a program after it has commenced due to safety concerns, an emergency, or a natural disaster: The College will make every effort to help students complete the academic work from the program and, depending on the circumstances, possibly earn the intended academic credit from the program. Whether or not this is possible depends largely on the particular program, the circumstances of the academic work of the program, and the length of time remaining in the program after the official cancellation date.
- If Keystone cancels a program for reasons other than safety, including under-enrollment: The College will make every effort to refund recoverable program costs to the participants.
Note: The Financial Aid Office will review program cancellations on a case-by-case basis for students who are receiving financial aid.
Because full refunds are often not possible, students may wish to consider purchasing trip cancellation insurance that can be obtained through many travel agents or insurance companies. Policies vary on when trip cancellation insurance must be purchased, so students should check with travel insurance providers for more details.
Contact Information
Shirley Michaels
Phone: 570-945-8252