1868 Society
Lifetime Giving Over $100,000
Keystone College gratefully acknowledges its donors at all levels of giving. Of course, the best reward for your contribution is the knowledge that you have made a difference in the lives of our students. Keystone would like to publicly recognize the following alumni, friends, foundations, corporations and matching gift companies for their extraordinary levels of giving, each with lifetime contributions in excess of $100,000. Thank you for including Keystone College in your generosity.
The 1868 Society, named for the year Keystone College was founded, was established during the 2014-2015 academic year. A working dinner is hosted by the President of the College twice each year as a means of informing, engaging and gathering feedback from two of our leadership groups of donors, the 1868 Society and the Evergreen Society.
Questions about giving?
Contact the Office of Institutional Advancement
- Submit a question online.
- 570-945-8162
- Email development@365dafa6.com
- Location: Sisson Hall
1868 - Gold
Anonymous (2)
Allied Services
Mr. Myer M. Alperin
Mr. John A.C. and Mrs. Patricia Atkins
ATR LaPlume, LLC
Mr. Arthur Russo
Dr. Edward G., Jr. ’13H and Mrs. Regina E. ’13H Boehm
Estate of Florence L. Brown
Mrs. Margaretta Belin Chamberlin
The Dox Family Fund
Mr. Joseph F. ’68 and Mrs. Corinne J. Dox
Mr. Keith W. Eckel
The Evergreen Charitable Fund
Mr. John and Mrs. Nancy Peregrim ’56 Behrmann
Fleckenstein Charitable Foundation
Mr. William O. ’47 and Mrs. Jeanne Swarts ’43 Fleckenstein
Mr. David M. Kozak and Ms. Anne Pistell
Follett Higher Education Group
Galileo Consulting Group, Inc.
Mr. Jonathan Lees Davis ’80 and Ms. Jill Rathbun
Mr. Allan E. Granger ’53
Mr. Donald T. ’50 and Mrs. Mary S. Haman
The Hawk Family Foundation
Mr. Elmer R. ’48 and Mrs. Louise Hawk
Mr. David and Mrs. Ann Hawk
Mr. Frank W. and Mrs. Jean Hubbard
Mr. Michael E. ’74 and Mrs. Diane R. Jones
Mr. David L. ’67 and Mrs. Marijo M. Kirtland
Mr. Gary Lee Koerner ’62
Lackawanna County Council on the Arts
Mr. William A. ’51 and Mrs. Doris Lees
Mr. Willard H. ’51 and Mrs. Nancy Stonebraker ’54 Lewis
Mrs. Dorothy DeWitt Mackie ’52
Dr. Lloyd H. ’62 and Dr. Barbara Ann Smith ’62 Michael
Mr. Hal Miller ’57
Mr. John S. Morrison, Jr. ’67
Mr. Wilbur E. Myers
G.R. Noto Electrical Construction, Inc.
Mr. Gabriel J. Noto
Overlook Estate Foundation
PA Department of Environmental Protection
Procter & Gamble
The Schoenbaum Foundation
Mrs. Betty Schoenbaum
Mrs. Frederick J. Scott ’25
Scranton Area Foundation
Ms. Virginia L. Sirotnak
Mr. Thomas G. ’72 and Mrs. JoAnn M. Speicher
The New York Community Trust
The Penates Foundation
Visual Aids Electronics Corporation
Dr. Midori Yamanouchi
Estate of Florian ZaBach
1868 - Platinum
Mr. Albert G. and Mrs. Barbara Albert
Mr. Dorrance R. and Mrs. Susan S. Belin
Margaret Briggs Foundation
Dr. Jack C. and Mrs. Denise Cassell
Mrs. Rita F. Cupillari
Ms. Caroline C. Donovan ’48
The Mellen Foundation
Dr. John D. and Dr. Elizabeth Drinko
The Frieder Foundation
Mr. L.P. and Mrs. Amanda Von Rudenborg Frieder
Mr. Peter, Jr. and Mrs. Laura Frieder
Geisinger Community Medical Center
Dr. L. Douglas Meredith ’22
Mr. Paul M. and Mrs. Sandra Gaudenzi ’61 Montrone
Dr. Jay Nathan
Mr. Karl O. Neuroth and Mrs. Diane Coleman Paparo ’76
Oppenheim Foundation
Mrs. Jane E. Oppenheim
PNC Bank
The Ross Family Foundation
Mr. Adrian E. Ross
Mr. James A. and Mrs. Gloria A. Ross
Swartley Brothers Engineers, Inc.
Mr. Robert H. ’75 and Mrs. Maureen R. Swartley
Willary Foundation
The Honorable William W. Scranton, II and Mrs. Mary L. Scranton
Mr. William W., III and Mrs. Maryla Scranton
Mrs. Susan Scranton Dawson
The P&G Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
1868 - Diamond
Mr. Thomas W. ’52 and Mrs. Charlotte Moser ’53 Davis
Mr. Jack P., Ph.D. ’37 and Mrs. Beatrice Donis
Mr. Sergius Gambal ’47
The JTBC Foundation
Mr. Robert L. ’57 and Mrs. Mary Lu Fries ’59 Kagler
Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program
Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates
Sodexo, Inc. – Dining Services
Mrs. Paige Stahl ’63
Turock Family Foundation
Dr. Betty J. Noone ’53 Turock and Dr. Gus Friedrich
Dr. David L. ’77 and Mrs. Heather A. Logie Turock
Mr. Robert Urie ’50